22 Funny Colombian Sayings

Columbia is the fourth largest Spanish speaking country in the world, following behind Argentina, Mexico, and Peru. With some of the cleanest spoken Spanish dialect around, there are may colorful uses of words and slang found in the language. Here is a listing to some of the most interesting and funny Colombian sayings and what they mean you can start using today.

¡Párame bolas! – Stop their balls (stop paying attention to them)

¡Ponte las pilas! – Put your batteries in (be careful)

¡Qué oso! – What a bear (how embarassing)

¡Se nos creció el enano! – Dwarf grew up (problem is getting out of hand)

¡Tengo un filo que si me agacho me corto!) – Cut themselves if they bend over (really hungry)

¿Cómo es el maní? – How is the peanut? (What do you want to do?)

Colgar los guayos. – Hang up their soccer shoes (died)

Culicagao – Shit from an ass (brat or misbehaving)

Él le echó los perros – Release the hounds (flirt)

Ella se lo comió – Eat them (to hook up)

Es más feo que carro visto por debajo – That person’s uglier than a car seen from below (that people is ugly)

Está dando papaya – Give papaya (be laughed at)

Estamos parchando – Make a patch (hang out)

Están mamando gallo – Give a blowjob to a rooster. (Joke Around)

Hacemos una vaca – Making a cow (put money together for drinks)

Juemadre – Son of a mother (cursing)

La cagué – Shit it (make mistake)

Que pecao! – What a sin (someone is hurt)

Que pena con usted – Sorry (apologize)

Se abrió – Open themselves (to Leave)

Son como uña y mugre – Like fingernails and dirt (friends)

Tengo filo – Sharp (hungry)

Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about Columbia, here is a look at three interesting facts that may shock you.

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.
