34 Good Pennsylvania Dutch Sayings

Pennsylvania Dutch is widely spoken in the Old Order Amish and Old Order Mennonite communities. With a variety of words and phrases to know, the World War II Generation was the last generation that widely spoke Pennsylvania Dutch (which is actually a German dialect, and varies across regions of the US). Here is a look at some good Pennsylvania Dutch sayings to know.

Alle Daag rumhersitze macht em faul. – Sitting all day makes one lazy.

Der Keenich muss mer erhehe. – On must exalt the King.

Der Siffer hot zu viel geleppert. – The drunkard had just sipped too much.

Die sunn is am unnergeh. – The sun is setting.

Die Zeit fer in Bett is nau! – The time to go to bed is now.

Duh’s uff die Rechning! – Put it on the bill.

En Schtich in Zeit is neine wart schpaeder naus. – A stitch in time, saves nine.

Er hot en iwwerflissich lewe gfaahre. – He lived the abundant life.

Er hot net der glaawe. – He doesn’t keep up the faith.

Er is en faehicher schreiner. – He is an able carpenter.

Er is ganz ab. – He’s quite out of his mind.

Er is weenich ad. – He’s a little off in the head.

Er kann vun wunners net saage. – Speech fails him.

Ferwas bischt allfatt so schtarrkeppich? – Why are you so stubborn?

Gott segen eich. – God bless you.

Ich eeger ihn so viel. – I owe his so much.

Ich hab en aker grummbiere geblanst. – I planted an acre of potatoes.

Ich hab nix dagege. – I don’t object.

Ich saag dank am disch. – I offer thanks at the table.

Mer muss uff sich selwer achtgewwe. – One has to take care of himself.

Mir gleiche die Amische brieder bsuche. – We enjoy visiting our Amish brethren.

Mir hen Englischer bsuch ghadde. – We had non Amish visitors.

Nix hot sich verregt, net jewens en Mause. – Nothing stirred, not even a mouse.

Sell is nix as baeffzes. – That is nothing but triffling talk.

Sell kann ennichpepper duh. – Anyone can do that

Setz der disch. – Set the table.

Sie Batt nemme duhn ich gern. – I’ll willingly take his part.

Sie hot die hosse aa. – She wears the pants in the family.

Sie hot die Kinner hiede misse. – She had to mind the children.

Sie hot sich widder verschlofe. – She overslept again.

Sie scheie sich vun haddiArewat. – They shrink from hard work.

Sis alles hendich eigericht. – All is handily arranged.

Sis unvergleichlich hees dohin. – It’s terribly hot in here.

Was der schinner is letz? – What in the world is wrong?

Here is a look at at a video from a native Pennsylvania Dutch speaker on some common Pennsylvania Dutch expressions and their meanings:


Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.
