6 INTP Strengths and Weaknesses

People with INTP (introversion, intuition, thinking, perceiving) personality types are gregarious people who are analytical and logical thinkers. These are people who are tolerant of others and can be flexible when it comes to situations. However, they can also seem detached and overly independent. Given the traits of INTPs, there are characteristics of INTPs that make them endearing to other people but there are also traits that take the best of them. Here is a list of the strengths and weaknesses INTP individuals.

List of Strengths of INTP

1. They are strongly independent.
INTPs prefer to work alone instead of following others or working with team members. Their independence make them perform better in what they do since they can concentrate more and are able to think outside the box. Being thinkers and always interested in how things work, their independence make it easier for them to explore and get into the details with no distractions. Their strong independence makes it possible for them to carry out tasks expected of them on their own and this can be useful in situations when there is no support available. This strength also lets them try things and explore with confidence.

2. They have the skill to focus on what they do.
Being into themselves might keep INFPs from being aware of what is going on outside, this same trait makes it possible for them to concentrate on the task at hand and be able to work on a problem. It is easy for them to be absorbed with what they do and work fast and accurately. They can also learn technical skills and acquire other skills easily and competently. Their ability to focus and be in their own safe zones make them great in troubleshooting problems.

3. They are relaxed and easy-going.
Even if they are introverts, INTPs are flexible and can adapt to situations. They are the type of people who are light to be with since they are willing to compromise with their friends or people close to them. They are also not the ones to complain especially about trivial things. When it comes to close family and friends, they are loving people in their own way.

List of Weaknesses of INTP

1. They are not aware of the value of making decisions based on feelings and subjectivity.
The least developed trait of INTPs is Feeling which gives them a daunting time when it comes to expressing their emotions and being affectionate when it comes to intimate relationships. That said, they can appear to be aloof and can be overly critical of others as well as makes them sarcastic at times without intending to be. This also manifests in how they make decisions since they seem to prefer logical reasoning. As a result, other people will find their choices lacking warmth and sensitivity.

2. They are into logic.
Although being ruled by logic makes INTPs great problem-solvers, their being logical thinkers often make them become stoic, insensitive and impersonal. This can also lead them not to be open-minded and simply focus on themselves and what they have inside, which leaves them clueless about what is happening around them.

3. They can make simple things complex.
Being logical people and analytical thinkers, INTPs tend to have high-expectations of others as well as have the tendency to complicate explanations and simple issues. This can lead to them being critical of other people and being impatient if others find his ideas too abstract and hard to understand.

INTPs, just like individuals with other personality types, have strong and weak traits. All these affect how they deal with others, their careers and themselves. Knowing these strengths and weaknesses is important to understand the personalities of other people and be able to nurture relationships with them, be it personal or work-related.

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.
