Proper Phone Etiquette in the Workplace

Proper telephone etiquette in the workplace is ultimately important therefore when should practice the right etiquette and professionalism at all times. Always remember to adhere with the right manners or etiquettes when it comes to making phone calls, answering calls and leaving messages. Proper telephone etiquette can be ultimate keys to gain positive impression from customers and individuals you are talking with.

There is always the right way of making or answering calls and you must adhere to that especially if you are representing a client or a company. The way you handle calls right from the start is the reflection of customer’s feedback. It is essential to ensure that every call is properly handled with professionalism and excellence. Here are some proper phone etiquette tips that can help you:

Identify Yourself at the Beginning of a Call

Always answer a phone by saying “good morning’’ or “hello’’. Always introduce yourself politely by stating your name or the company you are representing. Use the right words and as much as possible avoid using unnecessary and informal terms or words.

Always be Sensitive About your Voice’s Tone

Avoid sounding overly aggressive, anxious or pushy. It is highly important to keep a tone that conveys confidence and authority. You are also advised to avoid leaning back to your chair when speaking to someone over the telephone especially if you are in the office.

Plan Ahead Before Placing a Call

You need to think about what you exactly plan to discuss or say before placing a call. You can jot down essential items you need to discuss and questions that you plan to ask. This simply means that you expect or anticipate being placed in a voicemail system so plan your questions and messages and make them direct and concise as possible to persuade the person you are talking to respond.

Never Allow Interruptions to Interfere Along the Way

One of the proper phone etiquette in the workplace is not allowing interruptions during conversations. Avoid carrying on-side conversation with other persons around you. The person over the phone might be distracted by someone who walks by you in the office while you are making a call. If interruptions are inevitable, you need to excuse yourself properly for a moment and never forget to say thank you for waiting for you in the line.

Speak Slowly and Clearly Especially When Leaving Messages

Avoid using broken phrases and slang when you are talking to someone over the phone especially when you are leaving an important message. It is necessary to leave your number, address including area code when leaving a message.

There are other practices that signify proper phone etiquette and these include turning the cell phone off or in silent mode when attending corporate meetings and seminars. This is to ensure that your purpose will not be interrupted and other people will not be distracted too. If you are expecting callers, inform them that you are attending meetings so that they can call you back the moment you became available.

Global Phone Etiquette

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.
