13 INFP Personality Strengths, Weaknesses and Traits

In today’s world, it seems like something bad happens every day. Although this has always been true, our ability to access information on a global scale creates more awareness of what is happening all around. For the INFP personality, this issue doesn’t faze them one bit.

Even if times are dark and bleak, INFPs look to find ways to make everything be a little bit better. Although this personality is often thought of as being shy, reserved, and always calm, there is a burning internal passion that is deeper than anyone other than an INFP can really know.

What bothers INFPs more than anything is that other people often misunderstand them. To avoid this issue, most INFPs seek out like-minded people for friendships and intimate relationships. When they are able to find harmony, then INFPs become a source of inspiration that the whole world can see.

To get to know the INFP personality better, these strengths and weaknesses are part of their core traits.

List of the Strengths of the INFP Personality

1. INFPs are idealistic individuals.
When there is an INFP personality around, their family and friends will come to them because life always has an optimistic side. People with this personality type tend to believe that all people are good in some way. They are more willing to give others the benefit of the doubt because they believe that many people are just misunderstood. This allows INFPs to appear resilient when hardship occurs because they are always looking for perfect moments around them.

2. They see the value of having harmony.
Although INFPs can be effective leaders, they really have no interest in holding leadership positions. They derive zero energy from an ability to have some sort of power over other people. This causes them to avoid people who have domineering attitudes because they find energy when harmony is present. Their goal is to make sure that every voice gets the chance to be heard, so they work very hard to ensure this happens in every possible moment.

3. INFPs tend to keep an open mind.
People who have an INFP personality do not like being forced into situations because of rules that are in place. They like to pursue the path which destiny places before them and want others to do the same. If their ideas are not being challenged, then they will support the rights of others to share ideas as well. Even if they don’t believe a decision is the correct one, the INFP personality will support the right of the individual to pursue that path anyway.

4. They are very creative people.
Many writers, poets, and authors over the years have been INFPs. That is because their intuitive nature is to put the pieces of the universe’s puzzle together in a way that other personalities would not even perceive. Their approach to live is quite unconventional. INFPs thrive by listening to their gut instincts, connect moments in life to create something harmonious that can be enjoyed by everyone.

5. INFPs are passionate about everything.
Even though the introverted personality concepts prevent the INFP from seeking out public fame, you will find them speaking passionately within their networks about their beliefs, ideas, and creative endeavors. They dedicate a lot of time and energy to refining their emotions and thoughts. This gives them a distinctive advantage when completing a project because they can approach any situation with a fresh perspective if there is enough time to step away to think about things for a while. INFPs also tend to be the first people to lend a helping hand if it is needed.

6. They are dedicated and hard-working people.
INFPs tend to put their head down and keep going, no matter how difficult their circumstances might be. Their work is what gives them a sense of purpose. They don’t need other people to recognize their hard work because they take joy in seeing what outcomes are possible when the work is done. INFPs who have an assertive streak to them will also keep pushing toward their end vision, trying to bring along as many people as they can, so that everyone gets a chance to taste success.

List of the Weaknesses of the INFP Personality

1. INFPs can let their Idealism spiral out of control.
There is a certain nobility which comes with the idea that all people have goodness that can be found somewhere inside of them. The reality of today’s world, however, is that even good people make bad decisions repetitively. If an INFP is trying to help others find their goodness, they can find themselves disappointed and hurt by the failures of others. This idealism will often spread to their immediate family, which will also disappoint them in some way, because no one is 100% perfect.

2. They can stretch themselves too thin.
We need more INFPs in this world because people with this personality type are the first ones to help when it is needed. The problem is that INFPs can also stretch themselves too thin when offering to help others. They often want to give because they see a need, but it causes them to promise more than they can offer. Over time, this causes INFPs to forget to take care of themselves, which may lead to a cycle of self-destruction that can lead to burnout, lost relationships, or worse.

3. INFPs follow creative ideas instead of practical ones.
Many INFPs like to run simulations in their head about what may happen if they make specific decisions. Within these imaginary worlds, they will pursue outcomes from a single decision that may be months or years down the road, weighing the pros and cons of moving forward. When an INFP has their imagination captured, they’ll follow that idea at the expense of practical solutions. Some INFPs have even been known to neglect taking care of their physical needs to pursue something that they are passionate about in their imagination.

4. They prefer to deal with emotions instead of data.
INFPs are tuned into their emotions and have a high emotional IQ that they put to work. This gives people with this personality type a strong sense of morality. They create lines in the sand for themselves that they never cross. If they encounter information or facts that contradict the rules that they’ve set for themselves, then they may shut down completely. One of the biggest challenges that INFPs face is fact-based information which changes their moral view of their personal universe.

5. INFPs tend to take everything personally.
If INFPs are given any form of criticism or feedback, it is taken personally. Even professional feedback that is intended to be positive can come across to the INFP as a personal attack. People with this personality type do not glean inspiration from the feedback of others. They just shut down, trying to avoid what they see as conflict, because they want their world to be a harmonious place. In this situation, the best-case scenario is that the INFP will attempt to align their personal morality with the criticisms being presented to them, creating a place of commonality where they hope that everyone can get along somehow.

6. They tend to create an inner circle.
From an outside perspective, it is very difficult to get to know someone with an INFP personality. They tend to be self-conscious people who are quiet and reserved. They prefer to keep their lives private. Even when friendships are formed, it is difficult to know if you’ve really gotten to know someone with the INFP personality. The reason for this barrier is the fact that INFPs often feel guilty, on a core level, for giving so much of themselves without making sure that they take time for themselves.

7. INFPs tend to make very few true friends.
If you ask the average INFP about how they feel in life, the honest answer would be that they are lonely. Even if they are around people all the time, INFPs tend to feel like most people don’t “get them” and what they do. This personality type also tires quickly in social situations because of the emotional output that others give during those times. They struggle to let people get to know who they are unless they have confidence in knowing who the other person happens to be already.

It is rare to find someone who has more kindness and creativity than the INFP personality. Their unique perspective allows them to help others conquer challenging roadblocks, create joy, and bring light to a world that is struggling with darkness. Although some INFPs may avoid conflict to the extent that they stay in their worlds of imagination, their desire to bring people together is a lesson from which we can all learn something.

Author Biography
Keith Miller has over 25 years of experience as a CEO and serial entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, he has founded several multi-million dollar companies. As a writer, Keith's work has been mentioned in CIO Magazine, Workable, BizTech, and The Charlotte Observer. If you have any questions about the content of this blog post, then please send our content editing team a message here.
